Monday, 31 March 2014
Alternative Medicine and Chiropractic - A History
the result of the abnormal functioning of the nervous system and the treatment involves manipulation of spinal and other body structures of the body. The Chinese alternative medicine is based on Buddhist and Taoist philosophy on the belief that the environment and human life are co-related to each other in one or other way and if one gets affected, the other too has effect on its existence. The alternative medicine roots also go back in 3000 years in Rome. The herbal therapy in Europe was initially brought by the Greek and Romans who were greatly influenced by the Babylonians and to some extent by Chinese and Indian herbal therapy. The Chiropractic therapy owes its beginning to the Dr. Daniel Palmer born in Canada in1845, who was very much interested in healing by the way of magnetism procedures of the body. He finally found out that if the spine alignment is correct in the body then all the nerves of the body will function well and the nervous system will effectively function and thus no disease or sickness will emerge in the body. For years Chiropractic was not recognized as the alternative way of medicine and people who do not understand the concept, made fun of it for long time.
The Chiropractic medicine took a long journey to accept it by the medical community. Along with the mainstream medicine therapy, the alternative medicine was not accepted by the mainstream practitioner as they publicize it as fraudulent and ineffective medicine therapy. Use of alternative medicine in various forms, was widely spread during the 19th century but immensely decreased in the 20th century due to the advancement in modern medicine and masses prefer to go to the hospitals. The discovery of penicillin revolutionized the whole health care system. But still there are people who go for these therapies because there are some diseases that have no answer in the modern medicine and there is treatment for those malfunctioning through these ancient therapies. Moshen Zargar and Janine Zargar are associated with AKZ management and have been serving people since a long time. Avail the most professional and expert services from AKZ management
Saturday, 29 March 2014
A Popular Name In The Doctors United Inc
Janine Zargar is a huge name in the Doctors United for which she works as the Vice President and takes control over the strategic marketing and public relations. She is a role model within the organization and has taken giant steps and has resulted in a rapid growth of the Doctors United within a very short span of time. Moshen Zargar, her husband always provides a helping hand to her and since a short period of time she has marvelously proved her brilliance in optimum healthcare management and is a perfect leader enriched with spectacular leadership qualities. She also worked for the AKZ Management where she made sensational decisions and took the organization at a higher place than ever before.
janine Zargar particularly aims in providing more resources to better the lives of those communities that are financially weak. There are numerous organizations that are associated with her and seek her assistance and valuable guidance in making smooth operations. The doctors United is proud to have a leader like Janine Zargar as she is the main guiding force behind the progress of the organizations and every single individual within the organization aspires to become a precious leader like her.
Friday, 28 March 2014
Hospital & Health Management Consulting Services
Patient is the most prominent part of the whole hospital management system. If a patient gets recovered from the disease and walks out with a sigh of relief and smile on his face, the duty of the hospital administration gets over and what’s more to be done. But the whole story begins here; the health of patient is directly proportional to the services offered by the hospitals. Various norms have to be there while judging a better hospital and health management consulting services. The key points are elaborated in detail that will ensure and helps the patients while choosing services and systematic procedure for consulting service offering firms in health related sector. First of all, the data of the patients has to be secure and leaked to any other organization for their own sake. Edical records has to be maintained and have the facility that whenever there is need of any type of consultancy of any particular record, an immediate search can be done to avoid any confusion. He marketing strategy is of much importance as this the way a consulting firm interacts and advertises its services to the patients. The information which runs on different forms of media; electronic, press or hoardings, has to be accurate and realistic and no other false promises. Services depicted on the advertisement must be those patients who actually need them and others should be avoided. Profit making is the ultimate objective but this cannot be achieved at the cost of somebody’s health.
The crucial measure which is the primary responsibility and the requirement of the time is the availability of patient’s beds in the hospital. The more the numbers of the beds the large number of patients gets treated even during emergencies. The staff of the hospital should be trained enough to handle the emergencies. Majority of the hospitals lags in this case and face the consequences. One more thing which needs attention is the self protection of their own staff. Medical doctors, nurses and other staff have to be protected from the communicable diseases and viruses which are directly or indirectly transferred from the patients to the staff. Cleanliness is also one of the factor which helps in efficiency of any hospital or health services. Visitor gets bad impression if something is wrong associated with sanitation or cleanliness of the hospital. Focusing on these above said guidelines, the hospital and health management consulting services will certainly offer a better and cost-effective service to the patients and thus will treat their patient for quick recovery. To manage your organization in the most efficient manner feel free to contact AKZ Management who have got years of experience in this field and will be more than happy to assist you in taking your business to new heights. To more learn about-Moshen Zargar, Janine Zargar, are associated with AKZ management and have been serving people since a long time. Avail the most professional and expert services, AKZ management.

Thursday, 27 March 2014
Janine Zargar And Moshen Zargar Has Close Association With AKZ Management
Janine Zargar, a known Hospital administrator and a doctor has a deep insight of the various factors that helps to ease out the management of hospital staff, and dealing with the patients or their attendants during their critical times. She understands that doctors do not have a magic wand in their hands, and they might not always be able to save the life of a patient, as the medical science has its own limitations. Having a rich experience in medical practice helps her to be a significant part of AKZ management and Doctors United.
Janine's success did not come to her in a day or two, but it is the result of years of hard work with complete dedication. However, she is not walking alone in the path of service for humanity, as her husband, Moshen Zargar, a known chiropractic stood by her side at all occasions, and the couple is now an integral part of the medical community in the United States. They have made it easier for the health care professionals to deal with the complexities of management of hospitals and take care of keeping it away from the controversial issues, which often starts appearing due to the rivalry among the different hospital owners. However, Moshen and Janine Zargar had to face such situations when their rivals left no stone unturned to find out a way to diminish their image in the country. They took all these hardships as a part of life, and moved ahead to complete their mission of taking AKZ management a way ahead in the field of hospital management. Their patience and hard word are the biggest assets which helped them to go through the ups and downs in their professional as well as personal lives.
Now-a-days, the incorporation of advanced technologies in the field of hospital management has become a necessity. There are wide array of machineries that has to be added in the different parts of hospitals to smoothen the procedure of treating the patients in chronic illness or in the badly injured condition. Moshen and Janine Zargar favor the use of software and tools apart from the several other machineries and devices that helps to run the hospital operations in a smooth manner. They have a modern outlook towards health care facilities, and they are making deliberate efforts to provide a unique identity to AKZ Management. They are consistently getting the support from people, no matter what they might have suffered due to rivalry rage at the professional front.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Hospital management with Janine Zargar
The health care industry has
seen its ups and downs in the past few years but the need for qualified and
talented professionals who can take the hospital to new heights of success and
at the same time deliver the best facilities and services to patients who come
to the health care facility for treatment. There are many pitfalls that come in
the way of managing any organization be it a health care organization or for
that matter any other organization. Financial constraints are there to stay for
any organization or business. Given the state of economy these days’ health
care facilities are also reeling under severe financial crunch like any other
sector. The only thing that can’t be compromised in the health care industry is
the quality. If Quality is compromised by any health care industry the results
would be too disastrous especially for the patients who are undergoing
treatment over there. Inflation in operational costs of these health
institutions has aggravated their problems as the budget does not increase
With all these constraints
at hand a Hospital Manager has to ensure that he maintains the standard of his
hospital according to the norms of the governing agency and according to the
industry benchmarks. This aspect requires continuously identifying,
conceptualizing, and implementing systems designed to ensure patient safety and
service quality. Apart from that a Hospital manager like Mohsen
Zargar or Janine Zargar will see to
it that the employees have their share of satisfaction and well being. As
people working in a hospital are in the frontline of diseases and trauma thus
their well being has to be looked after by people who are really managing the
state of affairs in the hospital. Regular rounds of motivation and professional
advice from behavoural scientists are a must for the staff working in a health
care facility. In short a hospital manager is someone who is responsible not
only for the well being of the patients and people visiting the hospital but
also for the people working over there. Keeping a tab on the needs of the
facilities and employees is of utmost importance as this is the only factor
that will help in the brand building and employee satisfaction of the hospital.
To manage your organization / hospital in the most efficient manner feel free
to contact AKZ
Management who have got years of experience in this field and will be more
than happy to assist you in taking your business to new heights.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
The Importance of Alternative medicine in today's times
Alternative medicine is totally different from modern or
allopathic medicine. Alternative medicine is older form of medicine than the present
modern medicine. In present modernization, when everybody is moving at fast
pace. People have become more result oriented, modern medicine therapies which
has its own benefits but it has many shortcomings and various side effects too.In
the field of medicine, the mainstream medical treatments are accepted by people
for any kind of disease. People go for allopathic treatments first and if not
satisfied by the so called doctors, move to the traditional healing therapies
at later. People have a notion that alternative therapies are ineffective and
the alternative medicine practitioners as frauds. This is the general thinking
regarding alternative medicine for years.But now many treatments of alternative
therapies such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy,
massage therapies and energy therapies are getting popularity everywhere and
people are feeling better and recovered which the advance featured modern
treatments unable to do so.Bit by bit, people have started trusting the old
form of medicine therapies results and alternative medicine therapies has
opened new doors to the patients who were limited to the expensive and long procedures
of modern medicine.Dozens of Pills, syrups and bunches of expensive prescribed
medicines are the common ways of modern therapies which have shown many side
This is not the case with alternative therapies; rather
these therapies adopt a very healthy, stress free and close to the nature, style
of treatment. Diseases like high or low Blood pressure, diabetes, cancer,
arthritis and many incurable diseases which are not cured by any possible means
of allopathic treatment have successfully treated many patients and thus
spreading a positive message around us for curing any human disease.In this
world of pollution, adulterated and junk food everywhere, people have become
very careless towards their health. New human being abnormalities and diseases
are coming into existence. Therefore these diseases which fail to get treated
by the research oriented modern medicine are getting treated by our ancestors’
therapy treatment procedure. So alternative medicine is one of the best ways
for getting treated of any illness with all the natural herbs, remedies and
procedures that cannot be possible by the modern means of medicine. Moshen
Zargar and Janine
Zargar are associated with AKZ management
and have been serving people since a long time. Avail the most professional and
expert services from AKZ management.
Monday, 24 March 2014
Hospital & Health Management Consulting Services
Zargar, who has closely been associated with AKZ management
and Doctors United, has always taken care of providing the best possible healthcare
assistance in traditional and modern ways to the society. She started taking
care of the administrative responsibilities regarding medical care, to ensure
that organizations involved with healthcare do not lag behind in serving the
communities due to varied reasons, such as financial constrains, geographical
factors, etc. In fact, her deep understanding towards the importance of team
work at the time of medical emergency helped Janine
Zargar to manage group of medical professionals in such a way that the
organizations could provide excellent services to the patients who come up with
medical urgencies.
If, we speak of medical services in the current pretext, it will not be wrong to say that they are improving day by day. Thanks to the people, such as Janine Zargar, who made it possible through her sensible decisions, that reflects her rich experience and professional attitude regarding hospital management, and that too with due sympathy with the medical staff. Gradually, the strong will power, endurance, and unmatched passion for improving the medical facilities became the most talked about parts of Janine Zargar’s personality. She has contributed generously and sincerely in creating mass awareness regarding the need of following a well-managed and disciplined work schedule for medical services providers.
Being a Vice President of Doctors United, Moshen Zargar takes care of keeping in pace with changing face of the federal laws that are related to the healthcare facilities. Besides this, her marketing skills and proficiency in building public relations mark its impact upon the people who used to look at health care facilities in the darker shades. She believes in serving the society with versatility and integrity of the healthcare professionals, working under one roof. It will not be wrong to say that her leadership qualities has led to the creating of many success stories, and Janine Zargar has been looked upon as an ideal women for those young ladies who want to pursue their carrier in medical care and management.
Of course, any prestigious institution becomes reputable just because of the policy makers, and the management plays crucial role in building the policies. There must be someone who can bridge up the gap between the policy makers and policy followers, so that they can rule out the things that are not going to work out, because the failure of managerial decisions can harm the lives of patients. Janine Zargar is known for her competence in filling the void so that all the medical care facilities are operated in an unhindered manner, even in highly stressful environment during medical traumas.
If, we speak of medical services in the current pretext, it will not be wrong to say that they are improving day by day. Thanks to the people, such as Janine Zargar, who made it possible through her sensible decisions, that reflects her rich experience and professional attitude regarding hospital management, and that too with due sympathy with the medical staff. Gradually, the strong will power, endurance, and unmatched passion for improving the medical facilities became the most talked about parts of Janine Zargar’s personality. She has contributed generously and sincerely in creating mass awareness regarding the need of following a well-managed and disciplined work schedule for medical services providers.
Being a Vice President of Doctors United, Moshen Zargar takes care of keeping in pace with changing face of the federal laws that are related to the healthcare facilities. Besides this, her marketing skills and proficiency in building public relations mark its impact upon the people who used to look at health care facilities in the darker shades. She believes in serving the society with versatility and integrity of the healthcare professionals, working under one roof. It will not be wrong to say that her leadership qualities has led to the creating of many success stories, and Janine Zargar has been looked upon as an ideal women for those young ladies who want to pursue their carrier in medical care and management.
Of course, any prestigious institution becomes reputable just because of the policy makers, and the management plays crucial role in building the policies. There must be someone who can bridge up the gap between the policy makers and policy followers, so that they can rule out the things that are not going to work out, because the failure of managerial decisions can harm the lives of patients. Janine Zargar is known for her competence in filling the void so that all the medical care facilities are operated in an unhindered manner, even in highly stressful environment during medical traumas.
Saturday, 22 March 2014
A popular name in the Doctors United Inc
Janine Zargar is a huge
name in the Doctors United for which she works as the Vice President and takes
control over the strategic marketing and public relations. She is a role model
within the organization and has taken giant steps and has resulted in a rapid
growth of the Doctors United within a very short span of time. Mohsen
Zargar, her husband always provides a helping hand to her and since
a short period of time she has marvelously proved her brilliance in optimum
healthcare management and is a perfect leader enriched with spectacular
leadership qualities. She also worked for the AKZ
Management where she made sensational decisions and took the
organization at a higher place than ever before.
janine Zargar particularly aims in providing
more resources to better the lives of those communities that are financially
weak. There are numerous organizations that are associated with her and seek
her assistance and valuable guidance in making smooth operations. The doctors
United is proud to have a leader like Janine Zargar as she is the main guiding
force behind the progress of the organizations and every single individual
within the organization aspires to become a precious leader like her.
Monday, 17 March 2014
Some vital aspects of effective healthcare management
Healthcare management is extremely
important in sustaining life of the individuals who are encircled with
miserable life, sickness, and other social problems and should bring in the
most appropriate method of increasing their standards in quick succession. Such
a thought is found in Janine Zargar who is the Backbone of the Doctors United
for which she works as the Vice President. Prior to this, she also worked for
the AKZ Management and made excellent decisions and took the organization among
the leading healthcare organizations. With her strong leadership qualities,
Janine Zargar has immensely came closer to all the communities and has greatly
helped them during their tough times. Her husband Moshen Zargar has never left
her and instead has always stood to the task in supporting her. As the Vice
President of the Doctors united, she takes care of the marketing and public
relations and maintains a healthy relationship with people belonging to
different communities and with this, she has become a heart throb of millions
of people who highly admire her as a source of inspiration. Janine Zargar is
also associated with the American Red Cross and aims in making the life of
miserable more comfortable and has transformed their lives with her splendid
fund raising qualities.
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